Oppenheim Family Children’s Center
The Children’s Center at Keystone College provides preschoolers with a quality program of early education conducted by Early Childhood professionals, while serving as a training site for students majoring in Education and related fields at Keystone College.
We are licensed and inspected by the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare and accredited by the NAEYC Accreditation for Early Learning Programs.
The Children’s Center has earned a “Four Star” rating through Pennsylvania’s Keystone Stars, a quality improvement program that recognizes childcare providers who exceed state health and safety licensing requirements.
Pre-School Program
The Children’s Center at Keystone College offers several preschool program options for children age 3-5 years. Children must be three years old by September 1 to attend this program.
Full-Day Program – 7:45 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.,
Summer hours 7:45 a.m. until 4:30 p.m.
- 2 days Tuesday/Thursday
- 3 days Monday/Wednesday/Friday
- 5 days Monday through Friday
Young children are experiencing rapid growth in the areas of physical, social, emotional, creative, and cognitive development. The program at the Children’s Center is designed to stimulate development in an integrated manner.
During the day, children have opportunities to participate in individual, small group, and large group activities. Our outdoor classroom provides many opportunities for learning as well. The curriculum is designed to meet the Pennsylvania state standards for Pre-K education.
Our open space classroom is divided into several activity areas for the children.
- Sand / Water
- Science
- Literature / Language
- Art
- Dramatic play
- Blocks / Construction
- Music
- Math / Computer
Each interest area contains materials that promote skill development, foster understanding, and introduce the child to new concepts. Additionally, the classroom provided opportunities to experiment, discover, and create. The preschoolers are in the same group each day they attend and thus learn to co-operate as a team in a small group setting.
Contact Us
Children’s Center
Open daily from 7:45 a.m. to 5 p.m
- Ph. # (570) 945-8260
- FAX # 570-945-8018
Philosophy of the Children’s Center
All aspects of a child’s development – physical, social, cognitive, creative, emotional – are nurtured at the Children’s Center. The program is based on a philosophy of trust and respect for the child with the assumption that all children want to learn and are capable of learning.
Learning takes place during all of the child’s activities and interactions. The classroom is organized to give children opportunities to explore, discover and grow in a warm, secure environment, with teachers prepared to guide and challenge. We recognize that all children are unique individuals who learn in different ways, at different times, and from each other as well as adults. We believe that the development of a positive self-image is the best foundation for the child’s future success. Parent participation is welcomed and encouraged.
The Children’s Center is an equal opportunity provider.
Suspected Child Abuse Policies and Procedures
Keystone College strives to protect the well-being of minors visiting campus and/or participating in College-sponsored off-campus programs and is committed to complying with the Pennsylvania Child Protective Services Law. If a person witnesses child abuse or has cause to reasonably suspect that child abuse has occurred, they should utilize the steps in the Mandatory Child Abuse Reporting Procedures below, to file a report.
Mandatory Child Abuse Reporting Procedures for Visitors
To Report Suspected Child Abuse
Keystone College (the “College”) strives to protect the well-being of minors visiting campus and/or participating in College-sponsored off-campus programs. Further, the College is committed to complying with the Pennsylvania Child Protective Services Law.
To make an initial report, please utilize the steps below, as appropriate:
Imminent Danger Report: If it is suspected that a child is in imminent danger, please immediately call 911 and report the incident. Subsequent to calling 911, please contact the Campus Safety Director listed below.
Non-Imminent Danger Report: If a person witnesses child abuse or has cause to reasonably suspect that child abuse has occurred, please contact the Campus Safety Director listed below:
Keystone College Campus Contacts for Reporting Child Abuse:
- Campus Safety – contact Michael Golay, Director of Campus Safety, 570-945-8266, or michael.golay@lcsgxgy.com.